Thursday 7 April 2011

U2 preparing a new album “futuristic”

Irish band U2 are preparing a new project album “futuristic”, which are .

RedOne in an interview alongside Billboard he said that he has last worked with Lady Gaga, and confirmed that
he had been collaborating with the Irish band.

He said, “We've put down a few ideas, but we don't know how many will end up on there”.

“They have a very special way of working. A song is never done until the day before it comes out almost, so you never know.”

He added: “They're always experimenting, so it's not like, 'OK, we're finished.' It's still an ongoing process. Bono described [the album as] 'futuristic'. U2 going sci-fi, or something [laughs].

“That's how he described it, but I don't know.”

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